• Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

Keeping Mosquitoes Away from Your Round Rock, TX Home: What to Do to Avoid the Bites


Jul 26, 2024
Away from Your Round Rock,

Mosquitoes are tiny insects that can give irritating bites and produce buzzing sounds. They are more than just a nuisance as they can pose severe health risks. Mosquitoes carry diseases and transmit them to humans through their bites. They like to be in a warm and humid environment. A female mosquito feeds on blood to get the proteins it needs for the development of its eggs. Male mosquitoes feed on plant nectar. While mosquito activity is quite high during dawn and dust, these pests can bite you at any time. If you are dealing with mosquitoes, contact Round Rock, TX pest control professionals to help eliminate and prevent a mosquito infestation. 

What Diseases Do Mosquitoes Carry?

People are concerned not only about the bites of mosquitoes but the diseases they can transmit. Mosquitoes can carry the following:

  • Zika virus. This viral infection can happen during pregnancy. It can lead to birth defects like microcephaly. 
  • West Nile Virus. This can lead to flu-like symptoms or result in serious neurological diseases.
  • Dengue fever. This causes high fever, serious joint pain, and even hemorrhagic fever. 
  • Malaria. This life-threatening disease is transmitted by some mosquito species. 

Mosquito Breeding Grounds

Mosquitoes need sources of water to breed while their larvae develop in standing water. Adult mosquitoes lay eggs in sources of standing water such as bird baths, ponds, clogged gutters, and flower pots that have collected rainwater. These breeding sites must be eliminated or treated to minimize mosquito populations around the house. Mosquitoes will stay in your yard’s shadiest parts during the day as they prepare to attack humans as the temperature drops around dawn and dusk. 

When is Mosquito Season?

Typically, the peak season for these biting insects in Texas happens in summer and early fall. Mosquitoes are quite active from June to August. But depending on the climate and weather conditions, the season can begin earlier or last longer. It’s imperative to know when misquotes are active to take precautions against their bites. 

How to Control Mosquito Populations

To protect yourself from mosquito bites, below are some tips you can consider:

  • Get rid of standing water. Empty and clean containers that hold water regularly. This includes buckets, flower pots, pet bowls, and birdbaths. 
  • Use repellents. Insect repellents that contain DEET, oil of lemon eucalyptus and picaridin can be applied to exposed skin whenever you spend time outside. While DEET spray is an effective option, you can explore organic options available on the market. 
  • Wear protective clothing. Whenever you spend time outdoors, wear long sleeves, shoes, socks, and pants. 
  • Install screens. Ensure all doors and windows have screens to prevent those bloodsuckers from making their way inside your house. 
  • Maintain the yard. To minimize the presence of resting places for mosquitoes, mow the lawn and trim overgrown vegetation regularly.
  • Stay indoors during peak mosquito hours. Reduce outdoor activities or just stay indoors during dawn and dust since mosquitos are most active during this time. 

Hiring Pest Control Experts

A pest exterminator can quickly get rid of mosquitoes from your property. They will perform a full property inspection, determine where mosquitoes are coming from, and offer a solution to keep your home free of mosquitoes and other pests. A lot of the solutions include a larvicide, an insect growth regulator, and an adulticide. Pest control experts attack mosquitoes in all stages of their life cycle. 

Mosquitoes can be annoying and carry harmful diseases. Understanding their behavior allows you to take preventive measures to reduce the risk of getting bitten by these insects. Also, you can protect your loved ones from possible illnesses. Although it can be hard to control the population of mosquitoes around your property, pest control technicians know exactly what method to use to ensure successful elimination.

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